My Story
"Children are not a distraction from more important work. They are the most important work."
- C. S. Lewis
Hi, and welcome to 'Head of the Hive'. I'm Charlotte, a wife and a mum to my two little bees, Big Bee (4) and Little Bee (3).
Becoming a mother was the most magical, and yet most mind blowing experience I have ever had, and continue to have. It's a rollercoaster and the learning is steep, but it is the most rewarding and fulfilling role, and I count my blessings every day. But, no two days are the same, and your feelings are inextricably linked to these tiny beings. Sometimes I feel like I am nailing it, and others I feel like I am crawling to bedtime exhausted and as though I'm a failure.
I think it's all too easy in parenthood to focus on the things 'you haven't done or achieved' rather than what you have accomplished, and celebrate the mini successes. So, this is why 'Head of the Hive' was born, to be a positive space for sharing ideas and learning. Parenthood is not linear, we are constantly adapting as our little ones are developing and changing. Ultimately, I want to be able to share parts of my journey on a plethora of topics, and if it helps just one other person on their journey too then that's a job well done in my eyes!
I really hope you enjoy reading my blog and find some useful nuggets to take back to your hive.
Thank you for taking the time to read 'Head of the Hive'!
DISCLAIMER: I am speaking from my experience to date and my learnings are constantly evolving.

My Hive
"To the world you are a mother, but to your family you are the world."
- Unknown
IMPORTANT SIDE NOTE: Our family photographs were taken by the genius that is, Jonny MP Photography.