Are you looking for a festive craft project to encourage your child's play, and for an opportunity to discuss and bring the story of Christmas to life? If so, you can recycle an empty egg box and transform it into your very own nativity scene with painted peg dolls.

What you'll need:
Egg box
Blue and brown paint
Star stickers (ideally one will be a different colour to the others)
Shredded paper - brown or yellow
Peg dolls - either x3 peg dolls will be required, or x9 as above
Acrylic paint pens
Fabric to swaddle baby Jesus
Glue (Gorilla Glue or a hot glue gun)
Mod Podge (Gloss)
Felt sheets (optional)
Saw and sandpaper (optional - to remove the body part off a peg doll in order to create a sheep)
Cut off the pointed parts of the egg box in the centre.
Paint the base of the egg box brown and the top half blue, and then leave it to dry.
Add the shredded paper to the base of the box to symbolise the hay in the stable.
Stick the stars to the top of the box and make sure to stick the Star of Bethlehem centrally.
Using the acrylic paint pens paint the number of peg dolls that you require to portray those involved in the nativity. As a minimum, paint baby Jesus, Mary and Jospeh. If you would like to paint more then you can add the three wise men, Angel Gabriel, shepherd(s), and sheep.
Note: If you are creating a sheep as above, then you will need to saw off the body of the peg doll and then smooth the rough edge using sandpaper before painting.
Once your designs are complete, seal the peg dolls with a coat of Mod Podge and then leave them to dry over night.
Optional: If you would like to add a 3D element then you can cut and glue on the appropriate coloured felt pieces for the peg dolls headdress and cloak.
For baby Jesus - cut the size fabric required to wrap the body of the peg doll in and then glue it into place.
Enjoy playing with your nativity scene!