Having been a teacher, I know how much it means to receive any form of appreciation for all the hard work that is put in during and outside of school hours. Even just a simple card can really mean the world! These are the cards we created the other day and hopefully will provide you with a little inspiration.
So, with this being said and with the end of term fast approaching (Big Bee goes to a pre-school) we have spent some time this week making thank-you cards for her key workers, to go alongside their thank-you gifts. We went with the theme of 'helping me grow' and made it personal with Big Bee's handprints. In my opinion, you really can't beat a home-made card from a little person.

The finished masterpieces - thank you for helping me grow!
So, with a vision now in mind we raided the art and crafts box and this is what we used:
Crayola washable paint
White card
Coloured card
Butterfly stickers
Goggly eyes
To begin we did the handprints for both the flowers and the leaves of the vegetables. Big Bee loved picking out the colours and painting her hands. We simple used a damp flannel to wipe in between the different colours. With support, the soil was painted and then I painted the leaves and stalks for her.

Hand painting in progress - silence please!
Whilst we were waiting for the paint to dry we discussed what vegetables we were going to include and I cut the shapes out of the coloured card (Big Bee's cutting is a work in progress). I also took the opportunity to talk to her about different types of root vegetables that are grown under the ground. I selected a carrot, potato, sweet potato and an onion as that's what I had readily available. You could discuss what their favourite one is out of the selection, and in what dishes they are included in at home. You can also talk about how they look, feel and smell. You could take the opportunity to show photos of other root vegetables that you have used in your cooking but don't have at home, or introduce some new vegetables. Maybe a taster session at a future date? Finally, we also talked about how flowers can be planted near to the growing vegetables (like in the painting) to encourage visitors like bees for pollination, and other beneficial insects. This will then help keep the vegetable plants healthy and help to grow lots of them.

A little break at root vegetable school, because we're cool
After our little root vegetable pit-stop (and once the paint had dried), we then glued the vegetables on and stuck on the eyes. Big Bee then added the butterflies. A bumble bee or two would have also been a nice addition.
Last but not least, I then wrote a personalised message (on behalf of Big Bee) and included the line 'thank you for helping me grow' and she signed it off.
We hope that the teachers like them!